
Showing posts from October, 2017

Biggest Eye Makeup Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Now!

Just a simple question before starting off with this article- Why do you need makeup? Your answer would obviously be- To look flawless and enhance your beauty, right? Well, it’s true, makeup was intended to accentuate the beauty of women. Especially when it comes to eye makeup, perfectly accentuated eyes tend to be mesmerising! However, if done wrong, it may actually work the other way around! Here’s a list of all the mistakes you need to avoid looking like someone you would never want to! Choosing an inappropriate colour for your brows: When you try to enhance your eyebrows with a colour that’s totally different from your brow colour, you may end up acquiring a hardened look. Your eyebrows would simply look unnatural if you opt for an inappropriate colour. So, consider choosing the right colour for your eyebrows unless you wish to look older than your age! Eyebrow enhancer Not applying primer on your eyelids: As a matter of fact, primer not only prevents creasing,